
According to reporting from NBC29 Wes Bellamy has apparently doubled down on his request for a name change for Preston Avenue. His latest dimwitted idea is to change the name from Preston Avenue to ….wait for it…. Preston Avenue. See the kicker is that the city merely needs to change who it was named after from Thomas Lewis Preston, a slave owner, a confederate General for only one year, and a Rector at UVA who with two other professors talked Generals Sheridan and Custer into not burning UVA to the ground, to Asilie Preston a black educator who lived in Albemarle county in the 1920s and 30s. Now Mrs Preston was a fine woman, so much so that there is an Educational Fund set up in her name.

But this isn’t about recognizing her achievements which no one should discount. This is about condemning a good man because Wes Bellamy knows the only way he can elevate himself, is to bring others down closer to his level. He is doing his best to convince miseducated blacks that their problems all stem from a white conspiracy to stop the black race from succeeding as they have everywhere else in the world except The United States, and Charlottesviile specifically. He seems to lack even the most basic knowledge of history and civics. His antics would be funny, if they hadn’t gotten Heather Heyer killed by inciting his base to deny Nazi’s their Constitutional rights to spew nonsense. If he had done his duty as a Council member, and supported free speech no matter how ugly, and called for his followers to go to McIntire park and preach love, instead of show up with weapons and rhetoric, none of the fiasco would have happened, two police officers would be alive, Heather would be alive, dozens of people wouldn’t be physically and mentally compromised, and the city wouldn’t have wasted 4.5 MILLION dollars last summer while hillbillies who are apparently smarter than Wes and his cronies stayed home and watched Nascar. Talk about getting trolled.

Whats next on his agenda? Will we change the Thomas Jefferson parkway to the George Jefferson parkway? Will we change the name of the city from Charlottesville to something else? After all Princess Charlotte married King George III who ran an Empire that gave land grants to anyone who was willing to buy a slave and grow tobacco. We could keep the name, and just say its named after Charlottes web except that book was written by E B White and there is no way Wes would allow his followers to vote for anyone if E B White.

At what point will the residents of this fine city take back the reins from this charlatan? His stupid ideas may seem funny, but the problem is he has been able to convince people that they are victims when they are not, and the living proof is the belligerent peanut gallery that makes council meetings too toxic to conduct business. He created this mess.The liberal press is too left wing to call him out on it, and nothing changes but the weather. He has proven, sadly with real blood, that he is the poster boy for the old adage “He knows just enough to be dangerous.”

When the election comes around people need to ask themselves if they want the turmoil to end, or do they really want a racist, misogynist, anti gay, bigoted, marginally intelligent, jerk to continue ruining the city. They should have sent him packing when all of his tweets were exposed. Who would have thought his idiocy would have actually gotten people killed?

Here is a link to find out more about Thomas Preston

Thomas Lewis Preston: Southern Gentleman




  1. Everything about this piece of crap suggests, TROUBLE! When, as a people, all on the same big boat we call planet earth, are we gonna stop voting in the very ones who make it difficult for all races to succeed according to their level of desire? How can we lose the distraction of racial tension when we are constantly reminded that it is alive and well and, in fact, getting worse? It is written,” Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” When the white people suppressed the blacks, riots broke out. So is there any reason to believe that the same thing won’t happen if the white people get suppressed? Man, as a whole, needs better direction.

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