CHARLOTTESVILLE: October 22 2017. Timothy Ray Brown Jr, a felon with multiple arrests including hit and run,felony death from an accident, and assault, has been charged with jailhouse assault for rushing past guards to land two blows on James Alex Fields, an alleged white Supremacist who is charged with murder for the death of Heather Heyer at the infamous Charlottesville rally that ruined the cities name and reputation.
After speaking with him on the phone, his mother speculated that it was motivated by the the death of Heather Heyer. A call to the jail has confirmed that no hate crime charges are being considered despite the seeming obvious intent of Brown. The incident occurred as both inmates were in separate offices accompanied by Officers when Brown rushed past to commit the assault.
James Alex field was examined and there were no apparent injuries.. He did not fight back. Brown was immediately subdued by attending officers.
The local press reported the story without naming the race of the perpetrator of the crime, presumably to protect the narrative that Charlottesville was a victim of a white supremacy rally, instead of being the sum cause of the violence. Two reports, one of which the City Council spent $350,000 to have completed, both clearly lay blame on the city for it failure to control the crowds and protect the Constitutional rights of the legally permitted protesters, regardless of the city council members outspoken personal feelings about the groups protesting. The rally was originally created because Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy was able to garner enough votes to attempt to have two Confederate War memorial statues taken down as “racist” despite a Virginia State law that prohibits the action. The statues are still currently standing, three people are dead and Wes Bellamy is still on the city council.Bellamy did resign from his job as a local teacher shortly after tweets were exposed that showed him condoning sexual assault of passed out women and espousing that he hates snow because it is “white” but attempts to have him leave the council failed.
A copy of one report can be read here: